The Cliometric Society

Melissa Thomasson, Executive Director
Miami University
Department of Economics, MSC 1035
800 E. High Street
Oxford OH 45056
Phone: 513-529-2858

Cliometric Society Memberships are from January-December of each year. If you renew late in the year, your membership will still expire in December.

Cliometric Society Annual Membership


Explorations in Economic History

The Cliometric Society provides members with the opportunity to subscribe to Explorations in Economic History, published by Elsevier. Explorations in Economic History publishes a wide range of articles that apply economic models and quantitative techniques to historical economies. The journal has a tradition of innovative applications of both economic theory and quantitative techniques, and it explores all aspects of economic and institutional change, all historical periods, all geographical locations, and all political and social systems. The editor welcomes submissions on these topics. Articles will be subject to the journal's peer review process. From time to time the journal publishes "special issues" devoted to specific topics. Scholars interested in putting together a special issue are invited to query the editor. Special issues are subject to the same peer review process as regular issues.

Cliometrica - Journal of Historical Economics and Econometric History

The Association Française de Cliometrie, with support from The Cliometric Society, sponsors Cliometrica, published by Springer-Verlag and edited by Claude Diebolt provides a leading forum for the exchange of ideas and research in all facets, in all historical periods and in all geographical locations of historical economics. The journal encourages the methodological debate, the use of economic theory in general and model building in particular, the reliance upon quantification to buttress the models with historical data, the use of the more standard historical knowledge to broaden the understanding and suggesting new avenues of research, and the use of statistical theory and econometrics to combine models with data in a single consistent explanation. The highest standards of quality are promoted. All articles will be subject to Cliometrica's peer review process. On occasion, specialized topics may be presented in a special issue.

European Historical Economics Society

The European Historical Economics Society has been registered since 1995 with the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales and is concerned with the advancement of education in European Economic History through the study of European economies and economic history. It is also concerned with disseminating learning by holding conferences and summer schools and through the Society journal, the European Review of Economic History.