2025 ASSA Sessions

  • Beyond Clock: Labor Market Effects of Lifting Gender-Specific Hours Restrictions, Chris Vickers (Auburn), Price Fishback (Arizona), Yiru Xing (UCLA), Nicolas Ziebarth (Auburn)
  • New Work in the Second Industrial Revolution, Nicholas Carollo (Fed Board of Governors), Elior Cohen (Kansas City Fed), Jinyi Huang (Brandeis)
  • Women’s Work over the Long Run: A Task-Based Approach, Rowena Gray (UC-Merced), Anqi Li (UC-Merced)
  • Women’s Wages, Gender Wage Gap and the Long Run of History. France in the Modern Period, Claude Diebolt (CNRS & Strasbourg), Faustine Perrin (Lund), Leonardo Ridolfi (Siena)
  • The Counter-Reformation, Science, and Long-Term Growth: A Black Legend?, Matias Cabello (Martin Luther)
  • Religiosity and the Effects of Secularization Policy: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment in Nineteenth Century France, Joanna Williams (UC-Irvine)
  • “For The Benefit of the Church and the State”. School Supply and Demand in an Early Modern Proto-Industrial Area in Switzerland, Gabriela Wuethrich (Zurich)
  • Operation Paperclip: Nazi Scientists and U.S. Innovation, Bang Nguyen (Bayreuth), Petra Moser (NYU)
  • How much monetary stimulus could the Fed have provided in the Great Contraction?, Gabriel Mathy (American)
  • Pollution-Income Tradeoffs of Industrialization: Evidence from World War I, Mark Van Orden (UC-Irvine)
  • Long Upon the Land: The Economic Legacy of Slavery in the Borderlands, Hoyt Bleakley (Michigan), Paul Rhode (Michigan)
  • The Changing Perceptions of Corruption in France, Great Britain, Russia, and the United States between 1800 and 2019, Rui Esteves (Geneva), Andrey Eydlin (Geneva)
  • The Negus and the monks: Monasteries, state formation and long-run development in Ethiopia, 1270-2020, Mattia Bertazzini (Nottingham)
  • Itinerant Kings, Jacob Hall (Penn)
  • Rags to Rags: The Effects of the New Poor Law across Three Generations, Jennifer Mayo (Missouri), Jon Denton-Scheider (Clark)
  • Was there an economics of the family before 1870?: evidence of fertility choice in a long-running random ‘experiment’, London, c. 1760-1870, Louis Henderson (Teubingen)
  • Τhe rise of universities and city growth in medieval and early modern Europe (700–1800), Nikos Benos (Ioannina), Maurizio Conti (Genova), Michail Papazoglou (Ioannina), Stamatis Tsoumaris (Aarhus)

2024 ASSA Sessions

The Long-Run Effects of Parental Wealth Shocks on Children, by Cache Ellsworth, Ian Fillmore, Adrian Haws and Joseph Price

Life-Cycle Effects of Comprehensive Sex Education, by Volha Lazuka and Annika Elwert

Surveillance & Political Development: Evidence from the Secret Police Files of the Russian Empire, by Julia Zimmermann and Theocharis N.Grigoriadis
“American relief and the Soviet famine of 1921-22”, by Natalya Naumenko, Andrei Markevich, and Volha Charnysh
“Shipping times in the Mediterranean since 1760”, by Gregori Galofre, Eduard Alvarez-Palau, and Dan Bogart (UC-Irvine)
“The Price of Housing in the United States, 1890-2006”, by Rowena Gray, Ronan Lyons, Allison Shertzer, and David Agorastos
“Inflation, World War II Bond Ownership, and the Rise of Republicans”, by Eric Hilt, Gillian Brunet, and Matthew Jaremski
“The World War II U.S. Rubber Famine: Genesis and Consequence”, by Alexander Field
“Are Capital Controls Binding?” by Victor Degorce
“Revolutionary Transition: Inheritance Change and Fertility Decline”, by Victor Gay, Paula Gobbi, and Marc Goni
“Life-Cycle Effects of Sex Education”, by Volha Lazuka, Annika Elwert
“Revisiting Skinner: Counting Counties in Song China”, by Tuan-Hwee Sng

2023 ASSA Sessions

A Shot in the Arm of Public Health: Did the 1954 Salk Polio Vaccine Field Trial Promote Vaccine Access?, by Keith Meyers

Do Pandemics Change Healthcare Preferences? Evidence from the Great Influenza, by Rui Pedro Esteves, Kris James Mitchener, Peter Nencka, and Melissa A. Thomasson

Enemies within the gates: Evidence from Stalin’s ethnic cleansing campaigns, by Julia Zimmerman

“Medical technology and the mortality transition: Lessons from free supplies of antitoxin in Massachusetts”, by Casper Worm Hansen and Philipp Ager

“Government policy, and anti-vaccination movements: Quantitative evidence from 19th-century England,” by Johnathan Chapman

“The Occupations of Free Women and Substitution with Enslaved Workers in the Antebellum United States,” by RaeAnn Robinson and Barry Chiswick

“Catching-up and Falling Behind: Russian Economic Growth, 1690s-1880s,” by Elena Korchmina and Stephen Broadberry

“Disruptive Effects of Natural Disasters: The 1906 San Francisco Fire,” by Hanna Schwank

“The Roots of the Modern American Presidential Campaign,” by Laura Salisbury and Francisco Pino

“Media and Assimilation: Evidence from the Golden Age of Radio,” by Gianluca Russo

“Recessions, Constraints, and Public Education: Impact of the Great Depression on the High School Movement,” by Pawel Janas

“Muddling Through or Tunnelling Through? UK monetary and fiscal exceptionalism during the Great Inflation,” by Oliver Bush, Michael Bordo, and Ryland Thomas

“Protectionism and Industrialization in Colonial India,” by Sharbani Bhattacharjee

“Does trade liberalization boost innovation? Evidence from French industrial sectors in the 19th century,” by Carla Salvo

The Economics of Civilian Victimization: Evidence from World War II Italy,” by Mattia Bertazzini and Michela Giorcelli

“Bourbon Reforms and State Capacity in the Spanish Empire,” by Giorgio Chiovelli, Leopoldo Fergusson, Luis R. Martínez, Juan D. Torres, and Felipe Valencia Caicedo

“The Hedonic Price of British Noble Husbands”, by Stefania Marcassa

“Racial diversity and team productivity: Evidence from American Whaling,” by Metin Cosgel and Michele Baggio

2022 ASSA Sessions

Zombie International Currency: The Pound Sterling 1945-1971 (Maylis Avaro)

The Origins of Elite Persistence: Evidence from Political Purges in post-World War II France (Toke S. Aidt, Jean Lacroix, and Pierre-Guillaume Meon)

Multigenerational Effects of Smallpox Vaccination (Volha Lazuka and Peter Sandholt Jensen)

Riding the Monsoon: Geography and Iron Age Trade in the Indian Ocean (Conrad Copeland)

The Effects of the National War Labor Board on Labor Income Mortality (Chris Vickers and Nicolas L. Ziebarth)

The Consequences of Radical Patent-Regime Change (Alexander Donges and Felix Selgert)

Clio/EHA sessions ASSA 2022

2021 ASSA Sessions

Discrimination, Migration, and Economic Outcomes: Evidence from World War I (Andreas Ferrara and Price Fishback)

The Historical Gender Gap Index: A Longitudinal and Spatial Assessment of Sweden, 1870-1990 (Tobias Karlsson, Joris Kok, Faustine Perrin)

2020 ASSA Sessions

Immigrant Communities and Knowledge Spillovers: Danish-Americans and the Development of the Dairy Industry in the United States (Nina Boberg-Fazlic and Paul Sharp)

The Value of Cronyism: Insider Trading in the Teapot Dome Affair (Caroline Fohlin and Andrew Teodorescu)

Like an Ink Blot on Paper: Testing the Diffusion Hypothesis of Mass Migration, Italy 1897-1920 (Yannay Spitzer and Ariell Zimran)